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Awesome and snappy stuffs.

An Amusing Journey to Solve a 10-year Impossible Puzzlevideo
An 73 year old persistent old boy wrote in to a Japanese variety show about an impossible puzzle. And the hilarious journey to unravel the mystery begins.
Epic! Funny Commercial by an Animal Shelter Will Make You Want to Adopt a Catvideo
Furkids Animal Shelter has produced a funny commercial that will crack you up while conveying their message... "All of our cats are self cleaning..."
This Amazing Guy Can Balance Anything on Anything!
Rocky, from South Korea, can balance anything on anything. How is he even doing all these - it looks, as a matter of fact, outrageously impossible!
It's called 'Flippr - by Sharkk', and it claims to save us 80% time (6 mins faster than the conventional board). Finally a way to make ironing painless..
This hilarious Apple Airpods parody by CyrilDabs conveys our message as clear as a bell, with a blend of sardonic humor...
Felt Faces by Becky Margraf
Becky Margraf, from San Francisco, have been hand-making these creative and adorable felt faces every single day for her 100 Day Challenge.
FKA Twigs and Nike recently collaborated to create this video in promotion of the NikeWomen's Spring Zonal Strength Tights campaign.
100 Crying Facesvideo
So how do we look when we cry? Well maybe this is a little over dramatic but this interesting video presents to us how 100 people look like when they cry.
Samsung’s Latest Commercialvideo
Samsung who has been causing ripples with its recent Galaxy Note 7 recall has produced a new commercial that stresses the importance of lasting relationships with consumers.
Printer That Doesn't Use Toner or Ink!video
Evolutions in technology have been revolutionizing our lives. A printer that 'burn' letters onto paper could now be the next leap in printing.

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