

Stink Beans: 10 Remarkable Health Benefits of Petai (Parkia speciosa)

With these amazing health benefits of petai, what's a little smelly pee or disappearing lunchmates? Discover research-backed benefits of stink beans here.

Exploit That Motivation You Get Just Before Going To Bed

You know this feeling, don't you? You get all excited and pumped up about stuff every night just before bedtime, only to lose the motivation by next morning. Here's how you can actually exploit that motivation and turn things around.

Bitcoin: Is It Nothing But Monkey Business?

Is Bitcoin going to be the biggest financial bubble of our lifetime? Will it end up in tears like in this story of the monkeys in Dopeyville...

Stop Texting At The Dinner Table. Go #DeviceFreeDinner.

Do you have annoying friends who text at dinner? Watch these hilarious #DeviceFreeDinner clips starring Will Ferrell as he shows how ridiculous it is to be glued to the mobile phone at the dinner table.

How To Handle A Bossy Coworker Like A Boss

Do you have a coworker who bosses you around, get into your face, and constantly telling you how to do your job? Here's how you deal with the bossy person.

Best Titanium Spork — My Secret Ingredient to a Better Life

The titanium spork: sturdy, light, and will last you a lifetime — perfect for backpacking & camping trips. And here's another feature that you should know.

How To Make A Tough Decision: Find Out What You Want.

Facing a tough decision? Can't make up your mind? Here's a simple trick to help you find out what you really want and make the right choices.

Shutting Up A Noisy Coworker With My Mechanical Keyboard

A mechanical keyboard & its Cherry switches can give a very satisfying feel while typing. And maybe it can even shut your noisy coworker up. Well, mine did.

Biases Of Intuition — The Bat And Ball Problem

Quickly consider the following question: A bat and ball cost $1.10. The bat costs one dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?

Gaming The System With These Unethical Life Hacks

Every single one of them is unethical and is basically a dick move — but hey, these life hacks are still interesting to know. Do not recommend though.

A Glimpse Into How It Feels Like To Have Dyslexia

Imagine that reading every article in websites and books feels like this. Now you have a rough understanding of what it is like to have dyslexia.

Thank You For Choosing Our Dockless Bike

Dear Lessee, thank you for choosing our dockless bike. We hope that you have pleasure riding us. Here are some basic guidelines that you should know.

Woman Helps Young Man With His Tie On Train

A young man was struggling to tie his tie on the train in San Francisco when a fellow passenger offered her help and then tied it for him.

Mozart Is Absolutely Killing It With His Classical Music

Mozart surely had no idea how his classical music masterpieces would be credited with powers stretching well beyond the concert halls.

Kick-Ass Speech By Chief Justice John Roberts: “I Wish You Bad Luck.”

Recently, US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts handed out some pretty kick-ass advice in his speech at a commencement ceremony...

Cheetahs Are Really Just Skittish Kitties

Fun Fact: Cheetahs are really just skittish kitties, albeit their ferocious and majestic looks. So nervous that they get too stressed to even have sex.

Eco Cooler: The Air Conditioner That Requires Zero Electricity

The Eco Cooler. Made with used bottles and requiring zero electricity, this DIY air conditioner is a godsend to many living in the sweltering heat.

Another Reason To Be A Panda

A panda walks into a bar. He asks the bartender how he can get a little action for the night. The bartender gestures to a young woman. After a short chat...

How To Make Your Stinky Bathroom Smell So Damn Good?

When extra scrub-downs, ventilation with fans, and spraying of air-fresheners just don't cut it. Here's a tip to get rid of your clean but smelly bathroom.

The Highs and Lows of Waiting for a Delivery

After stalking that perfect prey, intently tracking it down until it's finally found, the trophy is pretty much within grasp. You rub your hands together in eagerness before clicking on the 'Place Order' button. Now the emotional roller coaster ride begins.

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