HomeWang Deshun, 80 Year Old Model Proves Age Is Not A Barrier

Wang Deshun, 80 Year Old Model Proves Age Is Not A Barrier

The man known as “China’s hottest grandpa”, Wang Deshun proves to all that one is never to old to be a runway model. In 2015, a bare-chested Wang, with a long flowing hair and beard, strode down the catwalk for the first time. His well-toned physique immediately turned him into a national sensation.

Wang works as a TV and film actor and later a “living sculpture” which requires very much of him to be in tip-top condition. He goes on stage with an almost naked body sprayed with bronze paint that cannot afford to show any flab. He began working out to develop a tone and graceful body that would allow him to interact with his audience.

“It’s about your state of mind. It’s not about age. Nature determines age, but you determine your state of mind,” he said in a report by NY Times.

How did he ended up doing the catwalk?

His daughter was actually the music composer for the fashion show, which features Northeastern Chinese-style cotton jackets. Coincidentally, the designer happened to see Wang’s photo in his daughter’s mobile phone and found Wang unique. The photo was then sent to the fashion brand’s chairman who immediately recognized Wang to be her teacher 30 years ago in a model training center. So they met, and Wang was hired to be one of the catwalk models.

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.
Mark Twain


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