The long awaited Pokemon Go update has finally arrived, and it’s sent players into a frenzy of seasonal excitement!
Togepi, Pichu & Magby are amongst the bunch of generation 2 baby pokemons that are now available with this update. It’s worth knowing that these new baby pokemons can only be ‘caught’ by hatching eggs.
In light of the upcoming Christmas, Niantic has also included limited edition Santa Pikachu to be caught from Dec 13 to 26, 2016.

There’s been question of whether the Santa Pikachu evolves to Santa Raichu. Well, we have obtained information that it does!

So how exactly do we get the Gen 2 Pokemons? We know that they come from eggs but which eggs? Here are some data based on Silph Road, and also some pictures of them.
Pokédex Number | Pokémon | Egg Distance km |
172 | Pichu | 2km |
173 | Cleffa | 2km |
174 | Igglybuff | 2km |
175 | Togepi | 5km |
176 | Togetic | 5km |
238 | Smoochum | 10km |
239 | Elekid | 10km |
240 | Magby | 10km |