A suspiciously polite job candidate perfects the art of strategic professionalism in response to recruiter ghosting.
A bored accountant's observation of the boiling frog syndrome from his mundane, yet absurd office life.
The Time Timer Original 3" becomes a vital addition to a retired detective inspector and a member of the Lost Sock Investigation Unit.
At a Jordan Valley laundromat, socks disappear like clockwork during full moons. A retired detective's investigation reveals an unexpected lunar effect.
These days, we have invited everyone to go beyond the devices at home and in the office. The ease of connectivity bestowed by our smartphones makes it is so easy to reach someone that we expect everyone to be reachable. And always available. 24/7.
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You know this feeling, don't you? You get all excited and pumped up about stuff every night just before bedtime, only to lose the motivation by next morning. Here's how you can actually exploit that motivation and turn things around.
Is Bitcoin going to be the biggest financial bubble of our lifetime? Will it end up in tears like in this story of the monkeys in Dopeyville...
Do you have annoying friends who text at dinner? Watch these hilarious #DeviceFreeDinner clips starring Will Ferrell as he shows how ridiculous it is to be glued to the mobile phone at the dinner table.
Do you have a coworker who bosses you around, get into your face, and constantly telling you how to do your job? Here's how you deal with the bossy person.
The world is getting cranky these days. And will get crankier yet. Be prepared. Get some basic survival skills and knowledge under your belt.
The titanium spork: sturdy, light, and will last you a lifetime — perfect for backpacking & camping trips. And here's another feature that you should know.
Facing a tough decision? Can't make up your mind? Here's a simple trick to help you find out what you really want and make the right choices.
A mechanical keyboard & its Cherry switches can give a very satisfying feel while typing. And maybe it can even shut your noisy coworker up. Well, mine did.
Quickly consider the following question: A bat and ball cost $1.10. The bat costs one dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?
Every single one of them is unethical and is basically a dick move — but hey, these life hacks are still interesting to know. Do not recommend though.
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Curious cases series
Silly diaries series
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